The story of "Sabba"

The story of "Sabba" begins decades ago, with Eliezer, the father of the restaurant owner, in his childhood neighborhood in Jerusalem. Grandpa Eli was an exceptionally talented cook, and the cooking aromas from their home kitchen attracted many neighbors and friends, who would come to taste Eli's delicacies and enjoy his company. Grandpa Eli even opened and managed an authentic Moroccan restaurant for a certain period, where he shared his love for food with his customers.

However, Eli's fate was not simple. After a while, he got into trouble and spent quite a few years in prison. Despite the difficulties, Eli did not give up on his dream. He continued to cook even in prison and dreamed of the day he would return to open his own restaurant.

After difficult years behind bars, Dad was released. His son, who had witnessed his father's intense passion for cooking, knew exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to fulfill his father's dream: to open a restaurant where his father would be the chef. The restaurant was supposed to be called "Saba Geppetto," after the beloved character from the book "The Adventures of Pinocchio," and the nickname given to his father throughout his life. Grandpa Eli was meant to be the chef of the restaurant, where he could share his skills and charm with the world.

Unfortunately, before the dream could be realized, Dad passed away before he could see his dream come true. Grandpa Eli's family, heartbroken but determined, decided to continue their father's path. Not wanting to give up on their father's legacy, they decided to open an Israeli Mediterranean restaurant in their city of residence, Paphos, Cyprus. It was important to them that the restaurant be kosher, and that it would be a place where those who observe tradition could enjoy an authentic and delicious meal. They decided to open Sabba's Restaurant, a place where their father's legacy continues to live and thrive.